Sunday, March 7, 2010

Joba vs Hughes....the battle has been waging for 3 years and we've still gotten nowhere


  1. the yankees have ruined joba chamberlain

  2. Joba vs. Hughes can go in many different directions. Joba first came up as a setup man and was lights out. Then they moved him to a starter and he started getting smacked around. Hughs first came up as a starter and got shelled. Then they moved him to the setup position and he was lights out. It's opposits between the two. Due to the fact that Joba started in the minor leagues, I think they could leave him in long relief because his debut year as a reliever he had 34 SO in 24 IP with a 0.38 ERA. During Hughes' debut year as a starter he had 58 SO in 72 IP with a 4.46 ERA. Their stats in roles opposit to what they came up as are pretty much reversed, which leaves them both being dominant in a relieving position.
